27 Best Snooker practice routines

Whether you're a beginner trying to pot your first ball or a seasoned player aiming to perfect your break-building, practice routines are the backbone of improvement in snooker.
Last Update:
December 12, 2024

Snooker is a game of skill, focus, and strategy. Whether you’re working on potting tricky shots, improving your safety, or building higher breaks, the right practice routines can help you play better and feel more confident. In this blog, we’ll share some of the best snooker practice routines to help you take your game to the next level. Let’s get started!

In this article, we’ll explore the best snooker drills, from safety shots to break-building, all organized by difficulty level. You can also access these drills through our mobile app, where you can track your best scores and take your game to the next level.

Potting Routines


1. Straight Pink

Pot the straight pink from the two positions on both sides & Continue until you miss.

2. Straight Black

Pot the straight black from the two positions on both sides & Continue until you miss.

3. Blue on Spot

Pot the blue in the specified order & continue until you miss.


1. Straight Pinks to Corner

Pot the straight pink in the specified order & continue until you miss.

2. Straight Blue to Corner

Pot the straight blue to the corner in the specified order & continue until you miss.

3. Black on Spot to Corners

Pot the black in the specified order & continue until you miss.


1. Blue From D

Pot the blue from yellow and green spots & continue until you miss.

2. Long Straight Reds

Pot the straight reds from both sides in the specified numeric and alphabetic order into the far corner & continue until you miss.

3. Rest From Blue Spot

Pot the reds respectively using the rest & continue until you miss.

Break Building


1. Reds on Spots

Pot the reds, and after each pot, replace the ball back on the spot. You cannot pot the same ball twice in a row.

2. Half Colours Clearance

Place the cue ball on the specified spots and clear the table from there. Once finished, replace all the balls including the cue ball, and continue the break.

3. Line Up with Blue

Place the cue ball anywhere, and clear the table. Once finished, replace all the balls, including the cue ball, and continue the break.


1. The T

Place the cue ball anywhere, and clear the table. Once finished, replace all the balls, including the cue ball, and continue the break.

2. Rhombus with Black

Place the cue ball anywhere, and clear the table. Once finished, replace all the balls, including the cue ball, and continue the break.

3. Half Line Up

Place the cue ball anywhere, and clear the table. Once finished, replace all the balls, including the cue ball, and continue the break.


1. The V

Place the cue ball on the specified spot and clear the table from there. Once finished, replace all the balls except the cue ball, and continue the break.

2. Alternate Reds

Place the cue ball behind the first red, and clear the table from there. Once finished, replace all the balls including the cue ball, and continue the break.

3. Barry Hawkins' Routine

Clear the table. However, you should pot the horizontal pack of reds into the middle pockets only, and the ones near the blue should go into the baulk corner pocket.

Safety Play


1. Break-Off

Hit the last red with no side spin and land the cue ball in the spotted area with 2 cushions. Continue until you miss.

2. Cue Ball Near the Cushion

Place the cue ball on the spotted places and land it in the spotted area. Continue until you miss.

3. 2-Cushion Safety

Hit the last red with top spin and land the cue ball in the soptted are with 2 cushions.  Continue until you miss.


1. Black Up & Down

Place the cue ball on the spotted place, hit the black ball up and down the table, and land it in the spotted area. Continue until you miss.

2. Black Under the Side Cushion

Place the cue ball on the spotted place, hit the black ball, and land it in the spotted area. Continue until you miss.

3. Red Close to Cushion

Play the safety shots as shown in the specific order and land the cue ball and the object ball in the spotted area.


1. 2-Cushion Escape From the Baulk

Escape from the snooker behind the yellow and green with 2 cushions to touch the pack and continue until you miss.

2. 2-Cushion Safety Shot

Place the cue ball on the brown spot, play safe, and land it in the spotted area. Continue until you miss.

3. The Last Red

Play the safety shot as shown from both sides of the table and land both the cue ball and the object ball in the spotted area.

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